Message for Japan Earthquake & Pacific Tsunami
Dear all,
On behalf of Japanese Urological Association, thank you all for your sympathy and encouragement to us at the tragedy in Japan.
Your thoughts and prayers give us so much support.
The massive earthquake and tsunami struck off Tohoku and Kanto regions in Japan on March 11th 2011 caused significant damage to the people who live there. People are trying to pull their lives together even in the cold and shortage. It might be inevitable that the urology in Japan gets behind in the short term, however, it would be back to usual in the near future with the effort of recovery.
We appreciate your lasting support and friendship to the JUA.
Best regards,
Seiji Naito, M.D.,Ph.D.
Japanese Urological Association
We are deeply concerned with the recent tragedies in Japan. We sincerely hope that a prompt and definitive solution will emerge, and that you and your family will be safe and back to tranquility. We know the strengths and virtues of the Japanese people, and we are confident in their strength.
Paul J. Van Cangh
Our greatest wish is for the safety and well-being of everyone affected by this crisis. We offer you our solidarity and hope for significant gains in the recovery efforts over the coming days. You remain in our thoughts during this difficult time.
Joachim Thuroff
SIU President
Luc Valiquette
SIU General Secretary
The AUA stands ready to assist you at this challenging time; please let us know if we can help you in any way. As the world works to mobilize to assist in relief and recovery efforts from the aftermath of this crisis, we are confident that, together, the international urology community can work to overcome this tragedy.
Datta G. Wagle
AUA President
Robert C. Flanigan
AUA Secretary
I pray and hope that all Japanese and my real friends stand strongly and concur the natural catastrophe well. You are very strong and have the great power to solve this unexpected situation. I will always be there where the heart is. If you need any help from me, I will do my best.
Wun-Jae Kim
The pictures from Japan have been so upsetting and very very sad. Please look after yourselves.
Paul Abrams
We, all members of Laborie, hope and pray that our Japanese friends and families located in the area that was devastated and now threatened again, are fine and out of danger.
Yukio Goto
I wish to extend our moral support and to let you know that my prayers and thoughts are with the victims, the injured and their families.
Moon Kee Chung
President, The Korean Urological Association
I send you my deepest and most sincere sympathy for you, my many Japanese friends and colleagues and the whole Japanese people, suffering so much these days. Please transfer my warmest feelings of regret and support to all the members of the Japanese Urological Association.
F.M.J. Debruyne
We know that Japan will overcome but we wish you courage and good luck in this dramatic rescue operation.
Louis Denis
We hope your families, friends, and colleagues are safe. We wish a speedy recovery of those who have been injured and a return to normal for all Japanese. I know it is difficult and we are very sorry for all the suffering that must be happening.
Anton Bueschen
AUA Past President
My thoughts are with all my friends from Japan. I am with you in these difficult moments, and hope that the country will recover as soon as possible.
Bernard Escudier
On behalf of the entire USI Council, USI Central Office and all USI members, please accept our deepest condolences for the tragedy that has befallen your country. Our greatest wish is for the safety and well-being of everyone affected by this crisis. We offer you our solidarity and hope for significant gains in the recovery efforts over the coming days. You remain in our thoughts during this difficult time.
P B Singh
President, USI
S K Singh
Secretary, USI
Madhu S Agrawal
Treasurer, USI
At this hour of tragedy our heart goes to all of you. We have you in our thought and prayers for giving you the strength to face this tragedy. If in any way you need any help please do not hesitate to contact us.
Mahesh Desai
Our thoughts are with you, your families, friends and colleagues and we all hope that you are in safe conditions. We greatly hope that Japanese ingenuity, expertise and power will manage the current and future challenges.
Lothar Hertle
Stefan Mueller
Jochen Thueroff
Jan Fichtner
The German-Japanese Confederation of Urology
I am very sorry about the great earthquake of your country. I hope you and your family and your institute be well.
Hyeon Hoe Kim
Sad to know about the earthquake damage,I hope you are well. I will pray to Buddha for the victims.
Li Shu Keung
Hong Kong
I'm worried about the Japanese earthquake, tsunami, the nuclear power plants crisis. I hope your family, your colleagues of your department are safe and good health.
Joung Sik Rim
Are you all doing well and safe. We are all concerned and hoping for your wellbeing. Is there anything we can do from our side.
Ash Tewari
MY deepest sympathies to all Japanese urologists and people, and I truly hope that this tragedy has not impacted with personal loss on any of you or your loved ones. My thoughts and prayers are with . We can only try to do our best until our destinies are revealed to us !
Anup Patel
Our sympathies to all in Japan affected by the Earthquake and the tsunami.
KT Foo
UAA Honorary Executive Director
I would like you to know that our thoughts are with you all at the time of this tragic event in Japan. The world has seen the horrifying effects of this disaster - such devastation and so much suffering. We hope that no harm has occurred to any of your loved ones.
Arthur Smith
I believe that the disaster will never defeat Japanese will. They will recover from the huge grief and loss soon, and rebuilt their home just as what Chinese people in Wenchuan did two years ago. We will always be ready to give a hand when it is needed. Our sincere condolence to those people who lost their family and friends in this disaster.
Yinghao Sun
Chinese Urological Association
On behalf of all the editors and the entire editorial staff of European Urology I would like to express our wholehearted feelings of sympathy following the earthquake and tsunami that hit your beautiful country. We share the sorrow of the whole Japanese people. At European Urology we highly value the friendship and collaboration with all our Japanese colleagues and we look forward to reinforce our liaisons.
Francesco Montorsi
Editor-in-Chief, European Urology
It is very sad to know that your country was struck by a gigantic earthquake followed by a tsunami which cause a lot of damage and casualties. We offer our deepest sympathy and pray that this disaster could be overcome in due time, and all of you are in good shape and spirit.
Rainy Umbas
Director, Asian School of Urology
We have been watching with horror what nature has done to your lovely country. My heartfelt prayers goes to you all in these difficult times.
Mostafa Elhilali
The strength of the Japanese people has been visible to the whole world. Their stoicism and orderliness in the middle of such devastation is probably unparalleled. I am sure Japanese urology, as with other things in Japan, will come out only stronger.
Rajeev Kumar
Chief Editor, The Asian Urology and UAA Website
My sincerest sympathy to all the Japanese people for the recent disasters that attacked Japan. I wish Japan go through this nuclear crisis smoothly and also a rapid recovery.
SC Jeff Chueh
Cleveland Clinic, USA
Dear All our friends in Japan,
Hope you all are keeping well inspite of the tsunami and the nuclear reactor problem.
My 19 year old son Jaye Foo and his friends has composed a song dedicated to all people in Japan and appeal for donation through the red cross.
We are doing our small bits to support the people in Japan in this difficult time.
To make a donation to the victims in Japan, visit <> or <>
Love Over Love
Your heart's down, but you've got friends around you, let the love
surround you
You're lost we've found you, got your back
Gonna get you off the ground
Don't cry, but if you do you can dry your tears on my sleeve
I won't leave you hanging, don't you fear my friend
In the end, love grows over and over
Love, over love, over love, over love, over love
It's more than enough
Love, over love, over love, over love, over love
When life treats you rough
Love, over love, over love. over love, over love
Rays shine from above
When love gets together, bet'cha things will get better
And you'll never haf'ta stand on ya own
The world's too small to ignore all the people left behind,
Open the door, let your neighbour in, not them but friends
For us for all
More than the thought that counts, it's what you give, a chain reaction
A spark of passion, start a flame, small actions
Go round again and again
There ain't nothin' more powerful than the power of love
Beaming like the sunlight
A gift from above
Let's share it and spread it
And so I shall declare it
Love is the solution for everything I merit
And so we declare
For everything fair and righteous
We might just get through the problems and fight this
And I'll risk everything for life is a gift from His Highness
So spread the word and spread the vibe
Heal the world and open your eyes
Hear your heart and your mind
Love will keep us alive
KT Foo
UAA Honorary Executive Director
We can only imagine what the situation must be like in Japan.
Our thoughts are, not only with the urological community but with all affected by this disaster.
Per-Anders Abrahamsson
Secretary General EAU